Empowering immigrant women in supporting their and their families' health and wellbeing (WoHealth)

P4 Skilled and socially inclusive region

4.1. More people benefiting from stronger Central Baltic communities

Central Baltic

01.05.2019 - 30.04.2021

265.834 EUR

199.375 EUR ERDF

Immigrant women and mothers often lack peer support in the new country they move to. They also have challenges understanding recommendations from healthcare professionals.

Immigrant women who have arrived in a certain country and lived there for some time, have gained knowledge and understanding of the local culture and the service system. Their peer support is a very valuable tool for new immigrant women.
The project focuses on immigrant women in Finland and in Sweden ad both countries share a similar social structure.

The project aims to develop a model that helps immigrants reaching satisfactory health and wellbeing standards. To reach this goal the project will create a training program and material for workshops adapted to the differences in legislation in Finland and Sweden. In Finland, a peer support training system will be developed and directed to immigrant women willing to volunteer and give support to other women with the same needs. In Sweden, a multicultural health advisor will help immigrant women by using the training’s programme and the material developed for the workshops.

Lead Partner

Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy

Country: FI


Partner budget: 167.534 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 125.651 EUR ERDF

Project Partners

Region Östergötland, Flyktingmedicinskt centrum

Country: SE


Partner budget: 98.300 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 73.725 EUR ERDF

Expected results

Achieved results

Project result in category -
Improved community

WoHealth increased standard of health for immigrant mothers

WoHealth increased immigrant mother’s opportunity to reach satisfactory standard of health and wellbeing and thereby supported their integration in unfamiliar culture. 

The project developed an education model for peer support of immigrant women who are pregnant or have small children. Women who have lived in the country for a longer time and gained knowledge and understanding of the local culture and service system; were educated to volunteer as peer supporters. The aim of peer supporters is to motivate and support other immigrant women to maintain their health and well-being and to find out new ways to take care their children’s health and well-being. Peer supporter guide in easy language was developed to increase capacity of volunteers.

The project supported collaboration between immigrant clients and professionals in health care, especially children and maternity clinics. Some immigrant women received peer support during their appointments in maternity and child health clinics. In total, 28 leaflets in easy language were prepared in order to improve information about health. The leaflets cover most important topics concerning motherhood, parenthood and childcare, and are available online in printable format.

 All materials in Finnish and Swedish: https://www.tuas.fi/en/research-and-development/projects/empowering-immigrant-women-supporting-their-and-th/

Project page in database
At a glance
  • An education model for peer support of immigrant women who are pregnant or have small children
  • A collaboration between immigrant clients and professionals in health care.

Social media links

Lead Partner website