
Simulation pedagogy in learning ethics in practice in health care

P4 Skilled and socially inclusive region

4.2. More aligned vocational education and training (VET) programmes in the Central Baltic region

Central Baltic

01.10.2017 - 30.09.2019

€257 713

€199 992

Project Summary:

The overall objective of the SimE project is to improve nursing students’ ethical competence by creating three common study courses in order to develop more aligned VET programmes. The courses will be embedded in each partner organisation's curricula, which will result in increased ethical competence among nursing students in the Central Baltic region.  Common courses and teaching methods ensure more harmonized education level in the region, and also more harmonized competence level of nurses working in these countries.
Development of the ethical competence of nursing students is done with help of multi-various methods, like simulation and practical training. Simulation environment is a safe and effective way for students to learn and practice complex ethical skills. The patients and health care providers in the Central Baltic region need more nurses that possess equal and ethically competitive nursing care. This can be achieved by building more aligned curricula in nursing education. Improved ethical skills serve the needs of healthcare providers, promote the mobility of the workforce and increase the quality of patient care. One of the project results is a communication platform for future professionals that encourages networking between VET institutions and nurses. 

Lead Partner

Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Oy

Country: FI

Partner budget: 105.296 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 78.972 EUR ERDF

Project Partners

Latvijas Universitātes Rīgas Medicīnas koledža

Country: LV

Partner budget: 67.068 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 57.007 EUR ERDF

Swedish Stiftelsen Rödakorshemmet/Röda Korsets Högskola

Country: SE

Partner budget: 85.350 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 64.013 EUR ERDF

Achieved results

Project result in category -
Aligned vocational education and training programme

SimE - ethical competence for nursing students

The SimE project improved nursing students’ ethical competence in Finland, Sweden and Latvia. The main achievement of the project were the three aligned study courses (6 ETCS) on simulation pedagogy for nursing students, and an e-handbook on the course themes. Thus the project increased the share of aligned vocational education training curricula in the region.

The course topics were:
1) Basic Ethics in Health Care (2 ETCs),
2) The Ethical Coffee Room (1 ETC),
3) Simulations in Ethical Issues (3 ETCs).

In addition to providing a general introduction to ethics in health care, the project provides tools for understanding the essential concepts of ethics, moral and norms and exploring different ethical values that are often culture related. This will ease the nursing students to meet patients from different background.

The project courses encourage the students to familiarise with ethical guidelines and articles but also patient care studies. Anonymous online environment is provided for students to discuss with peer student group on student’s own experiences on challenging ethical situations that they face during the clinical practise. Furthermore, the courses provide simulation practises on different ethical scenarios, after which the students give and receive feedback on their ethical activity from the peer students.

Course material was compiled in the e-Handbook with the guidelines how to implement the course.


Project page in database
At a glance

The SimE project improved nursing students’ ethical competence in Finland, Sweden and Latvia. The main achievement of the project were the three aligned study courses (6 ETCS) on simulation pedagogy for nursing students, and an e-handbook on the course themes.


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