Hanseatic Approach to New Sustainable Alliances

P2 Sustainable use of common resources

2.1. Natural and cultural resources developed into sustainable tourist attractions

Central Baltic

01.10.2015 - 31.12.2018

€2 180 939

€1 775 573

Project Summary:

Cross-border cooperation is the only way to give impact for small destinations on the international tourism market. In the HANSA project, the hanseatic heritage will be developed for its great cultural value from three perspectives: the local, the national and the international. On the local level the existing attractions are made known to a broader public. The national perspective aims at bringing cities and their attractions together to strengthen the national tourism product and offer interesting packages. Finally, the international perspective aims at development of cross-border tourism packages.

The project will do branding activities, create materials, and disseminate information online and via tourism organisations and info centres promoting the hanseatic history as well as the Baltic Sea region as an attractive place to see and learn more about it. The project will also strive for linking the local attractions to a wider European context of hanseatic history.

The project outcomes will include more tourism packages based on cross-border cooperation, more visitors to the destinations, a prolonged tourism season as cultural tourism is all-year-round tourism and improved economy including more jobs.

Lead Partner

Inspiration Gotland

Country: SE


Partner budget: 754.074 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 565.556 EUR ERDF

Project Partners

Region Gotland

Country: SE


Partner budget: 28.172 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 21.129 EUR ERDF

Pärnu Linnavalitsus

Country: EE

www.parnu.ee; www.visitparnu.ee

Partner budget: 154.500 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 131.325 EUR ERDF

Viljandi Linnavalitsus

Country: EE


Partner budget: 182.808 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 155.387 EUR ERDF

Cesis Culture and Tourism Center , CCTC

Country: LV


Partner budget: 159.999 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 135.999 EUR ERDF

Koknese novada dome

Country: LV


Partner budget: 104.884 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 89.151 EUR ERDF

Limbazu novada pasvaldiba

Country: LV

www.visitlimbazi.lv; www.limbazi.lv

Partner budget: 200.652 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 170.554 EUR ERDF

Pargaujas novada pasvaldiba

Country: LV

Partner budget: 133.332 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 113.333 EUR ERDF

Valmiera pilsetas pasvaldiba

Country: LV


Partner budget: 170.997 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 145.347 EUR ERDF

Kuldigas novada pasvaldiba

Country: LV

www.kuldiga.lv; www.visit.kuldiga.lv

Partner budget: 126.499 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 107.524 EUR ERDF

Vidzemes plānošanas regions

Country: LV


Partner budget: 165.021 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 140.268 EUR ERDF

Associated Partners

Country: EE

Achieved results

Project result in category -
Joint tourist attraction

HANSA developed a joint tourist attraction based on Hansa history

As its main result, the project connected several historic Hansa towns:  Cesis, Limbazi, Koknese, Kuldiga, Valmiera, Pargaujas/Straupe and Vidzeme from Latvia, Pärnu and Viljandi from Estonia and Visby from Gotland and developed a joint tourist attraction based on their Hansa history.

All participating cities made research about their Hanseatic history and heritage. It brought pride to towns and citizens to belong to a strong brand and an important European context. Through the research, also historic recipes were found and are now produced as local Hanseatic specialties.

Project organised seminars and events to make stakeholders and citizens aware about Hansa heritage of their towns. In addition, gastronomy festivals were developed which help to prolong tourism season. Project representatives participated at several international tourism fairs, Hanseatic Days, other international and national events to promote the participating towns as a joint historic Hansa towns destination in Gotland, Estonia and Latvia.

Project used sustainable solutions whenever possible throughout its implementation. IT-solutions were in use to provide historic and tourist information as web information, on info screens, downloadable brochures and apps. When preparing tourist information, environmental-friendly biking, walking and hiking products were kept in mind. By supporting locally produced food, transports of goods are diminished and has given impetus to growth and development of SMEs. The cultural and social sustainability was supported by the involvement of stakeholders and citizens in local Hanseatic events and festivals.

Real cross-border value was achieved by increasing cooperation between Gotland, Estonian and Latvian Hansa towns. Joint tourism development and marketing makes them more attractive as a joint tourism destination.
Information about Hansa history of participating towns, tourism offers and brochures are available on the web page https://www.hanse.org/en/projects/explore-hansa/ and thereby give the project results European visibility.


Project page in database
At a glance

Hansa history research in each partner city;

Development of new transnational tourism products: 

  • Biking packages
  • Trekking packages
  • Culinary city breaks
  • "HANSA culinary" quality label
  • Hansaetic events and markets
  • City tours focused on Hanseatic heritage

Improved tourism information and promotion through:​

  • Mobile App
  • Tourism information kiosks
  • International tourism fairs (Balttour, Tourest, ITB Berlin, Reisen in Hamburg, International Hanseatic Days in Kampen and in Rostock)
  • Council of Europe's Forum for Cultural Routes