P2 Sustainable use of common resources
2.1. Natural and cultural resources developed into sustainable tourist attractions
Central Baltic
01.04.2019 - 31.12.2021
€1 215 720
€960 419
Forest trail project aims at presenting hikers the opportunities that Latvian and Estonian forests have to offer them and to show them how to enjoy the forest life - nature processes, landscapes, animals, birds, trees, mushrooms, etc., through a guidebook, an ad hoc website, and a mobile application. The project will also make sure to mark all of the country hotels and guest houses conveniently located along the trails. The route is split up into approximately 50 one-day routes, each of them around 20 kilometers long.
The Forest Trail project will cross protected landscape areas, two national parks – Gauja and Lahemaa, will pass through the land of Seto people with their authentic folk heritage, and will wind along the Lake Peipsi. Riga and Tallinn as start or endpoints will make the Forest Trail easily accessible to foreign guests: it will be linked with European long-distance hiking path.
Latvijas lauku tūrisma asociācija Lauku Ceļotājs
Country: LV
Partner budget: 259.638 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 205.114 EUR ERDF
Vidzemes Plānošanas Reģions
Country: LV
Partner budget: 141.375 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 111.686 EUR ERDF
Rīgas Plānošanas Reģions
Country: LV
Partner budget: 149.000 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 117.710 EUR ERDF
MTÜ Setomaa Turism
Country: EE
Partner budget: 157.367 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 124.320 EUR ERDF
MTÜ Peipsimaa Turism
Country: EE
Partner budget: 163.777 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 129.384 EUR ERDF
Dabas aizsardzības pārvalde
Country: LV
Partner budget: 107.345 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 84.803 EUR ERDF
AS Latvijas Valsts Meži
Country: LV
Partner budget: 21.788 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 17.213 EUR ERDF
MTÜ Eesti Maaturism
Country: EE
Partner budget: 165.430 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 130.690 EUR ERDF
MTÜ Ökokuller
Country: EE
Partner budget: 50.000 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 39.500 EUR ERDF
Põhja-Eesti Turism
Country: EE
Achieved results
Forest Trail created a long distance hiking route
The Forest Trail project created a long distance hiking route. It leads through the most forested lands, regional, nature and national parks of Estonia and Latvia. The total length of the Forest Trail Northern part approximately 1060 km.
The route is split in ca 20 km sections or hiking days. Each day of the Forest trail has a description, maps and downloadable GPX routes - start and end points, how long the expected walk will be, what the road surface is, and what will be worth seeing along the way. Hikers can read more information about the most interesting and significant places, landscapes, nature landmarks and see the photo, so as not to miss the views on the way, also find information on places to eat, buy water and snacks, and also spend the night.
The developed Forest trail route in the Central Baltic project is connected to the southern route (from the Lithuanian / Polish border through Kurzeme to Riga) developed in the Latvia-Lithuania Interreg programme project. Both trails will be part of the E11 route of the European long distance hiking trail network by ERA – European Ramblers’ Association. The total length of the Forest Trail in all three Baltic states will be more than 2000 km, and the trail will include all forest types and wildlife features typical of the Baltic States.
Name in Latvian: Mežtaka
Name in Estonian: Metsa matkarada
Direct link to the route guidebook (138 MB!).
More information about the route: https://baltictrails.eu/en/forest
Materials in all languages can be downloaded from the project website: https://baltictrails.eu/lv/forest/publications
- Over 1000 km of detailed hiking trails
- Easy approach
- Daily trips
Internet presence
Forest Trail Facebook page in Estonian
Forest Trail Facebook page in Latvian
Project partner webpage (celotajs.lv - description, news, publicity)
Other media visibility
Valmib uus Eesti ja Läti vaheline matkarada
Valmib uus Eesti ja Läti vaheline matkarada
JURIS SMALINSKIS: „Lahemaa on kõige huvitavam koht Eestis.“
VIDEOLUGU ⟩ Lõuna-Eesti liitub Euroopa jalameeste peateega
Lõuna-Eesti liitub Euroopa jalameeste peateega
Noskaidroti labākie jaunie tūrisma objekti; pirmajā vietā – "Mežtaka" (11.12.2020)
Latvia's top new tourism product 2020 announced: 1st place awarded to Forest Trail (23.12.2020)