P1 Competitive economy
1.3. More exports by the Central Baltic companies to new markets
Central Baltic
01.04.2019 - 31.01.2022
€739 392
€583 589
Estonia, Latvia, and Finland are highly skilled in breeding cattle animals especially in bigger farms - they are actively working on improving livestock quality. For them, entering new export markets would have a positive impact to the development of the dairy and beef cattle breeding sector as an increasing number of exported heifers would give an additional income for dairy and beef farmers as well as it would promote genetic diversity in livestock.
The project BreedExpo aims at supporting agricultural producers from Estonia, Finland, and Latvia to export breeding animals, to Kazahstan, Georgia and Ukraine. A cluster-based approach will be used to establish a cooperation between existing networks of farmer organizations, project partners and national/sectoral breeding associations. In total, ca 40 agricultural producers will be involved in the project activities.
It is expected that within one year after the project completion, at least 1 sales transaction will have taken place in each target market - one sales transaction means that 100 or more animals from larger group of farmers have been bought by local intermediary organizations (breeding associations, farmers cooperatives or similar) and sold to target markets.
Eesti Põllumajandus-Kaubanduskoda
Country: EE
Partner budget: 223.924 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 182.274 EUR ERDF
Biedriba "Zemnieku saeima"
Country: LV
Partner budget: 229.910 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 187.147 EUR ERDF
Maataloustuottajain Varsinais-Suomen liitto
Country: FI
Partner budget: 285.558 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 214.169 EUR ERDF
Achieved results
BreedExpo helped agricultural producers enter new markets
The main objective of BreedExpo project was to support agricultural producers from CB area, who are interested in exporting breeding animals, to enter into new markets: Kazahstan, Georgia and Ukraine.
Cooperation between farmers’ organisations and joint actions enabled to get more attention and higher interest in new target markets, and to optimize the costs of marketing activities. As CB markets and individual farms are quite small compared to selected target markets, it is quite difficult for individual farmers to make deals and get sales. Working together and making joint sales contracts allows to meet needs of big farms in Kazakhstan, Georgia or Ukraine.
As a result of the project a strong cluster cooperation was established involving ca 600 farmers and 8 breeding and export companies and associations from project area. 36 farmers participated actively in export activities (contact visits to target markets, participation in agricultural exhibitions). Ca 100 farmers sold their cattle through local intermediary organisations to 3 selected target markets during project implementation period: 27 deliveries were organised to Georgia, 20 to Kazakhstan and 3 to Ukraine. The amount of the sales was ca 2,7 million euros. In total ca 1300 beef cattle and ca 870 dairy cattle were sold to target markets.
- Strong cluster operation
- 600 farmers and 8 companies involved
- Total amount of sales value ca 2,7 million euros
- Over 2000 cattles sold
Other media visibility
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