Project result in category -
Aligned vocational education and training programme

Intelligent Transport and Traffic Management study module was developed

Project partners developed jointly a harmonized and modernized Intelligent Transport and Traffic Management study module (15 ECTS) and teaching methodology focused on transport and traffic safety management. The study module was developed by experts from three participating countries Estonia, Finland and Latvia. Different traffic and study conditions in countries were discussed and integrated into the study module. Joint study module was piloted with multinational groups of students.

Integrating the harmonized and modernized Intelligent Transport and Traffic Management study module to partner schools’ curriculum is expected to stimulate more cross border workflow as the education the students receive is common in all three countries.   This also helps to increase traffic safety, efficiency, mobility and customer satisfaction across national borders, while reducing environmental impact.

In addition to the study module, relevant teaching and study materials, structured e-learning materials, teaching methodology for using simulation tools and common virtual study and teaching environment usage plan were developed.


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At a glance
  • A harmonized and modernized study module and teaching methodology focused on transport and traffic safety management was developed.
  • Integrating the study module to partner schools’ curriculum is expected to stimulate more cross border workflow in participating countries Estonia, Finland & Latvia.
  • Relevant teaching and study materials etc. were also developed.