P4 Skilled and socially inclusive region
4.2. More aligned vocational education and training (VET) programmes in the Central Baltic region
Southern Finland - Estonia
01.07.2016 - 31.12.2019
€680 839
€549 666
Skills play a key role in the market economy; by investing in education and skills needed in the years to come, policymakers, enterprises, schools and individuals can help to support the future economic development.
In order to individuate which skills and educational backgrounds are going to be needed in the future, it is necessary to conduct research about trends and changes in the labour market, devise strategies and plan actions which can support the future direction towards which the economy is directed. The challenge educational institutions face in this context, is foreseeing economic trends in order to shape new curricula for the professions needed in the future. By failing to anticipate and/or react to those trends, schools are unable to shape the careers of tomorrow.
For these reasons, this project aims at conducting a survey in Finland and Estonia about training needs and future skill demands in the health promotion sector, analyse the results and develop a holistic training strategy for vocational education and training (VET) and applied higher education (AHE) providers in Finland and Estonia, designing at least 10 new aligned AHE study programmes and 6 new aligned VET study programmes. All new programmes will be tested and implemented, evaluated and improved. The main findings of the survey and the new study programmes developed under this project will be made available to the public through two international conferences held in Helsinki and Haapsalu, as well as on the project website hpp.tlu.ee.
Tallinna Ülikool
Country: EE
Partner budget: 276.487 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 235.014 EUR ERDF
Metropolia Ammatikorkeakoulu
Country: FI
Partner budget: 290.468 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 217.851 EUR ERDF
Haapsalu Kutsehariduskeskus
Country: EE
Partner budget: 113.885 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 96.802 EUR ERDF
HUS - Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiiri
Country: FI
SA Läänemaa Haigla
Country: EE
Tehy - Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattijärjestö
Country: FI
Achieved results
HPP - training future professionals in health promotion
An important issue related to sustainable development is holistic human health and wellbeing. In order for people to learn how to care for their health and wellbeing themselves, future professionals from different fields need to be trained in how holistic human health and wellbeing promotion.
Central Baltic HPP - Health Promotion Programme – a cross-border cooperation project between Helsinki-Uusimaa and Läänemaa region, tackled this challenge by:
- Identifying training needs in the field of health promotion. In this phase over 800 field experts provided their insights which created the background for the programme’s following phases. Their insights are collected here.
- 16 study programmes were designed based on the training needs identified in the previous phase. For each of the study courses, a study card in three languages was prepared. The overview of the project and the developed programmes are introduced in the HPP e-booklet (Chapter 8).
- Testing and Implementation of the developed programmes followed in all partner organizations. The content of each programme was improved with the help of anonymous student feedback and additional study material was developed:
. Animation about the use of Social Media
. Study video about light pollution
. Boardgame “Planning our living environment” (the online version of the game in Estonian is available here)
- Two dissemination events were organised at the end of the project in Tallinn and Helsinki. Throughout the project lifecycle presentations and seminars were held in Estonia, Finland and elsewhere. A complete overview of the scope of dissemination activities is available from the project outreach map.
- 800 professionals involved
- 16 new programmes