Turun kaupunki
Country: FI
Partner budget: 867.358 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 650.519 EUR ERDF
P2 Sustainable use of common resources
2.1. Natural and cultural resources developed into sustainable tourist attractions
Archipelago and Islands
01.04.2019 - 30.06.2021
1.461.306 EUR
1.095.980 EUR ERDF
Sustainable nature and culture-based archipelago tourism are still characterized by a large number of SMEs, public actors, uncoordinated promotion and scattered information. Thanks to Archipelago Access, Turku and Stockholm archipelagos join forces and invite Åland along to increase the attractiveness of the whole archipelago area.
Archipelago Access develops and launches a joint digital solution to offer easy access to tourists seeking travel information. It also provides a platform for user-generated content and interaction. The platform is linked to two interactive exhibitions - Utö Outdoor Exhibition in SWE and Turku Archipelago Showroom in FIN - that improve the visibility of the archipelago area as a tourist destination. Improved visibility and attractiveness, easier access to information and experiential promotion will, in turn, increase the number of visitors in the archipelago. This action is also aimed at prolonging the tourism season resulting in economic benefits for the regions. The project engages tourism operators in content production, encourages visitors to share their experiences and provides peer support to entrepreneurs.
Archipelago Access is set to kick-off a long-term development plan for increasing tourism in the archipelago. The promotion model and tools developed by the project can be later transferred and applied to other travel contexts.
Country: FI
Partner budget: 867.358 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 650.519 EUR ERDF
Country: SE
www.skargardsstiftelsen.se [2]
Partner budget: 593.948 EUR
Amount of ERDF funding: 445.461 EUR ERDF
Country: FI
Country: SE
The project created a web service and two exhibitions to act as entry points to archipelago tourism. The concept behind this is to strengthen the archipelago regions as a joint tourism attraction by jointly promoting, increasing awareness, and providing easier access to information.
The exhibitions will act as a gateway for visitors to gain necessary information for their travels around the Central Baltic Programme areas in Finland and Sweden.
The web portal, Explore Archipelago [3], gives visitors easier access and a unified view into tourist information as it expands the physical exhibitions by gathering the information on services and destinations under one address. At the same time, it provides a digital bridge over the Baltic Sea. The digital system is expandable and robust, and it sees no borders. The project partners are committed to developing the service further, and in the future, it can embrace a wider area still.
About the project, City of Turku [7]
About the project, Stockholm Archipelago Foundation [8]
Om projektet, Skärgårdsstiftelsen, Stockholm [9]
Itämerihaasteen viime vuosi oli onnistunut (2021) [10]
Turku ja Ruotsin saaristosäätiö yhteistyöhön – saaristovierailijoille digitaalinen opas (2020) [11]
Uppdrag: Digitalisera skärgården (2020) [12]
EU-hankkeet tutuiksi: Archipelago Access - merirakkautta lapsuudesta aikuisuuteen (2020) [13]
How to get to the most beautiful archipelago in the world? (2019) [14]
Nu utforskas Utös gruvor (2019) [15]
Vad göms i djupet? (2019) [17]
Archipelago Access edistää kestävää saaristomatkailua yhdessä Tukholman kanssa (2019) [18]
Idéer till det kommande sjöcentret spånas vid en pop up-utställning på Forum Marinum (2019) [19]
Tulevaa merikeskusta ideoidaan pop up -näyttelyssä Forum Marinumissa (2019) [20]
[1] https://www.turku.fi
[2] http://www.skargardsstiftelsen.se
[3] https://www.explorearchipelago.com/
[4] https://database.centralbaltic.eu/project/103
[5] https://database.centralbaltic.eu/tags/cultural-heritage-and-arts
[6] https://database.centralbaltic.eu/tags/tourism
[7] http://www.turku.fi/archipelagoaccess
[8] https://archipelagofoundation.se/about-the-archipelago-foundation/projects/archipelago-access/
[9] https://skargardsstiftelsen.se/om-skargardsstiftelsen/projekt/archipelago-access/
[10] http://www.auranaallot.fi/uutiset/paikallinen/itamerihaasteen-viime-vuosi-oli-onnistunut
[11] https://www.ts.fi/artikkeli/5041392
[12] https://www.resume.se/affarer/byraval/uppdrag-digitalisera-skargarden/
[13] https://www.turkueuoffice.fi/uutinen/2020-09-29_eu-hankkeet-tutuiksi-archipelago-access-merirakkautta-lapsuudesta-aikuisuuteen
[14] https://sites.utu.fi/bre/how-to-get-to-the-most-beautiful-archipelago-in-the-world/
[15] http://www.skargarden.se/nu-utforskas-utos-gruvor/
[16] https://www.ts.fi/uutiset/paikalliset/4609115/Archipelago+Acces+hanke+tahtaa+saaristomatkailun+edistamiseen++Turku+tuo+merellisyytta+myos+kaupunkiin
[17] https://issuu.com/skargardsstiftelsen/docs/stangmarket-2019-4
[18] http://www.visitturku.fi/uutinen/2019-08-29_archipelago-access-edistaa-kestavaa-saaristomatkailua-yhdessa-tukholman-kanssa
[19] https://www.epressi.com/tiedotteet/kaupungit-ja-kunnat/ideer-till-det-kommande-sjocentret-spanas-vid-en-pop-up-utstallning-pa-forum-marinum.html
[20] https://www.turkulainen.fi/paikalliset/1292654