DigiYouth created cross-border student companies
The project targeted the creation of cross-border student companies (business simulations).
The project defined the student company as “a group of pupils from at least 2 project countries who go through a product/service development and business simulation process during 2–3 half-years (60–90 hours) using start-up methods”.
Altogether, 41 joint student companies with different product or service were established, of which 17 during the 1st round of activities and 24 during the 2nd round. The principles in creating a team were set as at least 3 members and at least 2 different country representatives in a team to guarantee its international aspect.
The project succeeded to involve 221 pupils (age 14-19) into project activities.
All these pupils did not participate in activities from start till the end, as some cancelled their participation meanwhile because of different reasons - change of school, lack of time and other personal reasons. Still, all of them got an overview and experience of the joint work, feeling of belonging, teamwork and cooperation, design thinking exercises and other Project activities that enhanced their knowledge on entrepreneurship, competitiveness, regional cooperation and the Program.
The thematic area where student companies were created was determined as “digital products”, i.e., learning and gaming solutions; 3D, visual programming; robotics; low- and high-tech art and craft; mobile apps; hardware programming and IoT; communication solutions/platforms; digitally supported services
In addition to participating pupils, more than 40 teachers and mentors from 4 countries were trained to mentor the cross-border student companies.
Based on feedback of the participants, additionally to broader scale influences, already now many friendships have been created and kept, new ideas further developed, entrepreneurship has been chosen as a way of life and future profession.
- 41 joint student companies
- Involvement of 221 pupils
- Over 40 teachers and mentors from 4 countries trained