Promoting Social Inclusion of Elderly through Well-being Parties

P4 Skilled and socially inclusive region

4.1. More people benefiting from stronger Central Baltic communities

Southern Finland - Estonia

01.09.2015 - 31.08.2017

€269 231

€209 113

Project Summary:

The project SIPPE aims at increasing the well-being and social inclusion of the elderly by offering them better possibilities for voluntary work and participation in the society through social activities. The idea is to prevent problems like loneliness, health loss and depression by developing cost-effective methods to activate the elderly and, in this way, maintain their well-being.

In practice the project develops a concept called the “well-being party” where the model comes from network marketing businesses (e.g. Tupperware) but has no monetary aspect involved. Voluntary people are trained to hold parties for the elderly people’s own networks in their own homes or other places under different themes like healthy eating, physical activities and social participation possibilities. The project hopes to trigger a snowball effect where participants of the parties become encouraged to host own parties and even become registered volunteers themselves.

As a result of the project elderly communities both in Turku and in Tallinn have encountered several improvements. Participation of the elderly in communal voluntary activities has increased and thus also the social inclusion of the elderly has improved. SIPPE activities strengthen local safety networks and elderly are more capable to take care of themselves as well as of other older people in the community.




Lead Partner

Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu

Country: FI

Partner budget: 154.638 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 115.979 EUR ERDF

Project Partners

Turun lähimmäispalveluyhdistys ry

Country: FI

Partner budget: 42.687 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 32.015 EUR ERDF

Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkooli

Country: EE

Partner budget: 51.178 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 43.502 EUR ERDF

Vanurite Eneseabi- ja Nõustamisühing

Country: EE

Partner budget: 20.726 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 17.617 EUR ERDF

Achieved results

Project result in category -
Improved community

SIPPE - social activities for elderly people

Elderly people are vulnerable to loneliness, health problems, and depression. To support their well-being, project SIPPE developed a so-called well-being party method. Well-being parties aim at activating the elderly and to improve their overall well-being. Well-being parties are events hosted by elderly people themselves and focusing on topics such as nutrition, sleep and rest, participation in social life, nature, physical activities, and music. To enable these activities, the project developed a method to train elderly people as host/hostess of well-being parties. A handbook for volunteer host/hostess of wellbeing parties and a Guide for organizing and managing wellbeing parties were produced by the project and adopted as support material for the training.

In the framework of the project, 25 elderly people were trained as party host/hostess volunteers. Altogether 1191 elderly people participate at wellbeing parties organised during the project. The project involved elderly people living both at homes and at elderly care centers in Tallinn and Turku. Elderly people who trained themselves as host/hostess of well-being party visited each other and these visits created lasting connections.


Project page in database
At a glance
  • Well-being party for the elderly
  • 25 elderly people were trained as party host/hostess volunteers
  • Over 1000 elderly people participated at well-being parties

Internet presence


Social Streams
