Campus Areas as Labs for Participative Urban Design (Live Baltic Campus)

P2 Sustainable use of common resources

2.3. Better urban planning in the Central Baltic region

Central Baltic

01.10.2015 - 31.03.2018

1.763.463 EUR

1.382.471 EUR ERDF

The project Live Baltic Campus aims at developing campuses as innovation hubs by creating better urban environment for businesses and residents and thus contributing to new job creation in the local economy. The idea is to create a working method for participative urban planning which is adopted by cities as part of their normal work.

In practice, the project brings together city planners, government representatives, campus developers and stakeholders to utilize the campuses as labs with an aim to develop plans for better integrated urban management of the Central Baltic region. The project creates a network of practitioners ensuring knowledge transfer between the northern and southern parts of the Central Baltic region. Pilot implementations conducted in each area explore participative urban planning in its different phases, from preceding the official planning, to activities supplementing the official planning and following the official process.

As the main result, project creates integrated campus development plans, as well as service concepts and implementation plans for each partner region via pilot cases co-developed with the city government and stakeholders. In addition, the project creates a platform for discussing policy objectives, exchanging best practices and improving the quality of life indicators. By creating better urban environment for businesses and residents, the project creates new jobs and has positive impacts on the local economy.

Lead Partner

Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu

Country: FI

Partner budget: 465.464 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 349.098 EUR ERDF

Project Partners

Rīgas Plānošanas reģions

Country: LV

Partner budget: 199.715 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 169.758 EUR ERDF

Latvijas Universitāte

Country: LV

Partner budget: 199.750 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 169.788 EUR ERDF

Turun yliopisto

Country: FI

Partner budget: 200.000 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 150.000 EUR ERDF

Tartu Ülikool

Country: EE

Partner budget: 199.275 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 169.384 EUR ERDF

Uppsala universitet

Country: SE

Partner budget: 200.015 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 150.011 EUR ERDF

Stockholms universitet

Country: SE

Partner budget: 239.144 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 179.358 EUR ERDF

Helsingin kaupunki

Country: FI

Partner budget: 60.100 EUR

Amount of ERDF funding: 45.075 EUR ERDF

Associated Partners

Turun kaupunki

Country: FI

Uudenmaan liitto

Country: FI

Expected results

Achieved results

Project result in category -
Urban area covered with integrated urban management

Live Baltic Campus - participatory methods for urban planning

For quite sometime, cities have taken steps to include all actors in their urban planning process. Planning according to this principle presents many advantages; those who operate in the area, know their needs best and usually have relevant ideas on how to fulfill them. But what are the best methods to involve them in the process? Live Baltic Campus tested many different ones whilst developing their five integrated urban plans in the university campus areas of Helsinki, Riga, Tartu, Turku, and Uppsala.

The plans were realised based on the outcomes of four Livable City Forums, and several local events organised by the project. The five campuses around which the integrated plans were developed are:

- Helsinki, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Myllypuro Campus
- Riga, University of Latvia, new campus in Tornakalns neighborhood
- Tartu, University of Tartu
- Turku, University of Turku
- Uppsala, Uppsala University

The plan designs, based on the insights and ideas streaming from the participatory processes tested in each pilot area, resulted in the production of a Development Ideas Book, and in the Dream and Seeds Design process manual. 


Social media links





Latvian web page

Live Baltic Campus Blog

YouTube Channel

Project on Metropolia's web page

Project on the web page of City of Helsinki

Project on the web page of Tartu University

Metropolia's blog Neljälle kampukselle

Other media visibility

Länsiväylä - Kampus tuo säpinää Myllypuroon

Tartu Postimees - Geograafide uurimistöö aitab linna inimsõbralikumaks muuta

Turun ylioppilaslehti - Tunnin juna ja teknologiaa - tälläinen on kampus vuonna 2029

Helsinki Smart - Exploring the design for a good campus

Radio Latvia 1 - Kā izskatīsies un "dzīvos" studentu pilsētiņa jeb kampuss Rīgā?

Metropolia - Deputy Mayor of Helsinki - the future of Baltic Region challenging but hopeful

Metropolia’s blog Neljälle kampukselle - Kampusaukion yhteiskehittämistä – fasilitaattorin näkökulma

Latvian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development - Norisinājās vairāki pasākumi par veiksmīgu pilsētu iz

URBACT - Arī citās INTERREG programmās strādā pie integrētas pilsētattīstības plānošanas projektiem

Riga Planning Region - Publiskai apspriešanai tiek nodota Rīgas plānošanas reģiona deinstitucionalizācijas plāna 2017-2020

Latvijas Reitingi - Ārvalstu un Latvijas eksperti diskutēs par akadēmisko pilsētiņu jeb kampusu veidošanu un ilgtspēju

Universen - Ny mötesplats för samverkan över gränserna

City of Helsinki news - Myllypurossa järjestetään osallistava arkkitehtuurityöpaja

Metropolia UAS news - Myllypuron asukkaat osallistava UUSI MYLLYPURO! kaupunkisuunnittelutyöpaja 12.10.

Kuudes Insights: Campuses of the future: bringing life and lectures together

LNT Morning Show - Visās Eiropas pilsētās notiek būvniecība; Rīgā tā notiek stihiski

Uudishimu tippkeskus

Evening News of Latvian TV3 - Pilsētvides eksperti kaļ plānus, kā Pārdaugavu pārvērst par studentu un inovāciju centru

CeMuse RADIO - How do you make connections between Universities and their surrounding society in new ways?

Project videos