Project result in category -
Joint student company

GirlPower developed and piloted entrepreneurship study module for youth

Project developed and piloted entrepreneurship study module which can be used by partner and other organisations for organising entrepreneurship training for youth. Project materials were translated into Latvian and Estonian. Both project partners intend to incorporate the Study module into their regular teaching activities. In addition, ICT platform was developed and guidelines for using the platform prepared to provide online support for young people interested in entrepreneurship. The ICT platform gave an opportunity to find a mentor from another country and get support based on international experience, as well as communicate with participants from another country and discuss with her the possibilities of a common business in future.

During the project implementation, 20 cross-border student companies pitched their business ideas during two hackathons organised by the project. Student companies brought together girls from Latvia and Estonia and went through a simulated process of business start-up and development starting from a business idea and ending with an activity plan.

Cross-border added value of the project is emphasized by the fact that girls from Latvia and Estonia had the opportunity to get acquainted with the trends, characteristics and specific examples of women's entrepreneurship in the neighboring country. Target group also had a great opportunity to communicate with their peers from Latvia and Estonia, get to know their culture and mentality, understand their problems, and find ways to solve them together.

Project page in database
At a glance
  • entrepreneurship study module and online support ICT platform for youth in Latvia and Estonia were developed
  • 20 cross-border student companies established by girls had two hackathons
  • girls had the possibility to get familiar of women's entrepreneurship in the neighboring country