Project result in category -
Reduction of nutrients, hazardous substances and toxins inflow into the Baltic

GreenAgri reduced the leaching of nutrients from agriculture to surface water and Baltic Sea

GreenAgri introduced and tested environmentally-friendly management of organic fertilizers in Estonia and Latvia. The project worked in several fields:

Increased the knowledge, awareness of farmers, governmental agencies in Estonia and Latvia

Project developed a number of reviews and studies analysing manure application technologies, manure storage and also manure handling economic aspects of the various stages. The documents developed can be accessed in our programme project results database and also project partners websites.

Introduced new methods and technologies to reduce nutrient runoffs

22 farms were selected to participate in the test programme in both countries.

The opportunities for improving soil fertility, productivity and also to reduce nutrient losses were explored in test farms in cooperation with experts. The farms carried out soil, water and manure analyses, organized crop rotations and prepared manure application plans. Farmers also had possibility to be acquainted with best practices Denmark and Finland. The entrepreneurs participated also in a whole series of trainings. Manure and soil analyses were performed in demo fields from the spring of 2017 until the end of 2018.

The main finding of the evaluation of the activities of the demo farms was the fertilization plan is key to the efficient management of manure, both environmentally and economically point of view.

Improved co-operation between farmers and governmental organizations in development and implementation of environmental regulations

Interested parties (legislation creators, paying agencies, supervisors, consultants and farmers) met at joint events to cover all relevant issues.

The impact of implemented project activities to the nutrient content in the soil reveals during longer period of time. It can be concluded that in most of the pilot farms the improvements were achieved or are likely to be achieved in regard reducing the inflows of nutrients into ground water.

The project has developed and uploaded following material:

For more information, visit the project website:

Project page in database
At a glance
  • Increased the knowledge, awareness of farmers, governmental agencies in Estonia and Latvia
  • Introduced new methods and technologies to reduce nutrient runoffs
  • Improved co-operation between farmers and governmental organizations in development and implementation of environmental regulations