
street view with a tram

E-TICKETING created interoperability between the electronic ticketing systems in Estonia and Finland

Project developed a joint mobile ticket system that crosses the borders of Finland and Estonia. With the new ticket system it’s possible to buy public transport tickets for all three cities: Helsinki, Tallinn and Tartu with one app, and there is no longer need to buy a plastic card or paper ticket when traveling from another country.

Improved transport flow of goods
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4Smart Growth increased export of Central Baltic region SME's to China and Chile

The overall objective of the project was to jointly use the existing business intelligence and connections that partners had with 2 regions in China and Chile for increasing the export of the CB region SMEs. Project main planned result was to reach 3-4 sales agreements in 3 markets during or shortly after the project, and to organise export missions for 30 SMEs from CB clusters to new markets.

New cluster co-operation exporting to new markets
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EPIG educated professionals on islands in gastrotourism

The main result of the project is a joint curriculum for Gastro Tourism (10 ECTS) which implementation is supported by a teachers’ manual and further trained teachers. During the combined activities, especially the workshops for the teachers, both the curriculum and the teacher manual were extensively discussed. Also students were involved in developing and improving the curriculum.

Aligned vocational education and training programme
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Young female Baltic Entrepreneurs creating the future to gain practical experience of running their own business

The main result in the project was developing the participants – young females - entrepreneurial capacity, mindset and skills. For many participants, the project was a start into the world of entrepreneurs and an eye-opener for the help they can get to take the next step in their career. Several participants continue to develop themselves after the project via other training and support systems to develop their business ideas and leadership skills.

Joint student company
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The Sustainability in Finance (SuFi) created a study programme on Sustainable Finance

The project SuFi created a 15 ECTS study programme on Sustainable Finance. The project resulted an open online education module within business education to meet new competence needs. The module is rooted in partner institutions and made available for all, on an open educational platform (Moodle).

Aligned vocational education and training programme
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ChangeMakers created eLearning materials on sustainable environment and environmental challenges

One of the most valuable and interesting achievements of the project was a functioning study module for upper secondary and vocational schools. The study module consists of high-quality eLearning materials on circular economy, cross-cultural teamwork and communication skills, innovation management, entrepreneurship, prototyping, market research and pitching.

Joint student company
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SENsationalSTEM developed a cross-border entrepreneurship programme for students with special educational needs

SENsationalSTEM project aimed at increasing entrepreneurial thinking among young people by having a specific focus on SEN (special education needs) students. The project developed and piloted a cross-border entrepreneurship programme for SEN student in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The project provided a possibility for SEN students from Finland, Estonia and Latvia to create international student teams and establish student companies which can serve as basis for future co-operation and businesses.

Joint student company
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GirlPower developed and piloted entrepreneurship study module for youth

Project developed and piloted entrepreneurship study module which can be used by partner and other organisations for organising entrepreneurship training for youth. Project materials were translated into Latvian and Estonian. Both project partners intend to incorporate the Study module into their regular teaching activities. In addition, ICT platform was developed and guidelines for using the platform prepared to provide online support for young people interested in entrepreneurship.

Joint student company
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Intelligent Transport and Traffic Management study module was developed

Project partners developed jointly a harmonized and modernized Intelligent Transport and Traffic Management study module (15 ECTS) and teaching methodology focused on transport and traffic safety management. The study module was developed by experts from three participating countries Estonia, Finland and Latvia. Different traffic and study conditions in countries were discussed and integrated into the study module. Joint study module was piloted with multinational groups of students.

Aligned vocational education and training programme
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Aligning work-based learning curricula in VET programmes of logistics through cross-border WBL in Latvia and Finland developed a joint study programme for vocational education in the field of logistics

The project FinLat-logic developed a joint study programme for vocational education in the field of logistics. It harmonized professional education programme of “Logistic Worker” implemented both in Finland and Latvia. As the programme includes strong element of work-based learning, the study programme was developed in close cooperation with representatives from logistic companies. The companies also provided an opportunity for students to do work-based learning across the borders during the project implementation and piloting of the developed study programme.

Aligned vocational education and training programme
A person pointing a map.

Exports of clusters of CB economic strengths shipbuilding, maritime, renewable energy, automation and ICT to Namibia as a stable point of entry to the Southern African markets resulted in six sales and two joint ventures in Namibia and Zambia

The goal of the project SME Aisle was to support the exports of Estonian, Finnish, Latvian and Swedish companies on the fields of shipbuilding, maritime, logistics, renewable energy, automation and information communication technology to Southern African markets, especially having a focus on Namibian, South African and Zambian markets. 

New cluster co-operation exporting to new markets
Photo of people in a meeting

NOCCA created novel opportunities for new company creation and accelerated growth

Aim of the project was to build and pilot a new cross-border approach to student empowered company creation with the specific aim of generating new cross-border enterprises in the silver, blue and green economies in the Central Baltic Sea region. The main objective was to create 6 new joint or cooperating cross-border companies.

Joint student company